“Grounding Affirmations
Gather your resources.
Rest in the Center.”
Here are some suggestions to consider when creating grounding affirmations/positive suggestions that are inspired by certain types of yoga forms: consider the shape of the yoga form, reflect on the actual sensations felt during the form, allow the phrase to infer or speak directly to grounding as appropriate, and consider physical and/or emotional benefits. Grounded with these facts, try to unwind with attention to the breath, then “be open” to creating an extra level of meaning. Remember we live and flourish on Earth. Don’t make your positive affirmation too long. Many will fit well with any number of yoga poses and situations.
Repeat it in a relaxed, warm, and matter of fact way. If working with others, prepare the body/mind, let them get “into” the pose, then introduce the affirmation. Clients can certainly come up with their own affirmations. Ask in advance whether the client is comfortable repeating the phrase out loud and/or with you. If more appropriate you may want to do this silently. The power of silent repetition is honored in ancient teachings including the Yoga-Yajnavalka.
I stand firmly for myself. I stand firmly for others. Today I feel that nothing can knock me down. (Mountain style forms)
Return to the root to find the essence, Seng-ts’an, 3rd Chinese Zen Patriarch.
When the root in Yoga is replaced by an external form, “being” ceases, and “self-satisfaction” reigns. GS
…what ????
Other Grounding Affirmations
I can feel the push and pull of the earth, a give and take, a solid sharing. (Down Dog).
My balance and strength support me today as I point to my future and learn from my past. (Warrior 2, glancing at each arm in pose)
With every step, my inner balance improves. (Stepping into or out of any pose, …Warrior 1)
Breathing in strength, you may feel that your arms are powerful pillars holding you safely. (Spinal Balance)
I show my strength, and declare my growing competency. (Flow-Down Dog to Cobra.)
Resting on a strong foundation, I am able to see further, to reach further. (Threading the Needle).